hi you'll,

i'd like to change my wXP OP to debian and i got the latest knoppix version and i have some probems with my modems. the built-in winModem didn't work at all (i have a compaq laptop) so i bought this cendyne ext. modem.

i connected it to the serial port as it's supposed to be, and i've tried to connect with kppp but nothing changed. i set it up to /dev/ttyS0 (and above 1...7). with ttyS0 says [modem is ready] ... [initializing] .... and that's it!!?? with the others say [modem is busy]!

i checked the devices with [lspci -v] and it looks like the system didn't even recognize the ext. modem. (obviously i did turn it on )

i tried to find solution on the web but nothing helped

if you have some ideas please let me know,

