I agree with ckamin, a failure of this nature with Bittorrent is, well, calling it uncommon wold not be strong enough.

I downloaded mine with 4.0.3 and had no problems. Others are reporting good results with 4.0.4. Previous versions are known to have some issues with files over 2 gig.

My first thought was to run scan disk or some other disk tester program. I still think it's worth doing, but I'm not really expecting that it will find a problem.

Let me ask a question, what md5 software are you using to test the iso? I'm using md5summer and I get the expected results. I'm wondering if the file that you have is fine, but some other md5 program could be having problems with files over 2 gigs in size? Even Microsoft's own networking software has problems with files over 2 gig, at least in Win98 (even though the FAT32 in Win98 supports 4 gig files). I have also just checked my ISO with the program md5.exe from toast442.org and it passes the test too. So if you are using either of these then I doubt that is your problem. But let us know what you used, and if it was not one of these two then check again with one of them.

Do you use Quickpar and par2 files? I can send you a PAR2 file that I created for the 4.0.1DVD-EN ISO. That would tell us a lot about the nature of your failure, since it tests the file "block by block" (for this simple par2 file I used 10 meg blocks). And if you only have one or two blocks bad I could also get you a repair par file that will fix your download!