Hello bokaroseani and welcome to Knoppix.net.

We hope that you enjoy your use of Knoppix and hope you become an active member of the community. There's no membership fee. We just ask that you help us and others by becoming familiar with Knoppix, posting questions, and letting the rest of us know how things go. Also, I noticed that you joined recently and so was wondering if you wouldn't mind answering a few questions.

1. - How did you hear about Knoppix?
2. - How did you discover Knoppix.net?
3. - While waiting for the 4.0.2DVD to arrive, what version of Knoppix are you using?
4. - What type of system are you running Knoppix on?
5. - What operating system is currently installed on that system?
6. - How long have you been using computers, or how familiar are you with computers?
7. - Have you used linux before? If so, how long?
8. - What do you hope to do with Knoppix or Linux?
9. - Are you familiar with a wiki? If so, have you used a wiki before, e.g wrote some content?

Quote Originally Posted by bokaroseani
Hi, I am totally new to Linux. And more so to Knoppix. I just ordered a Knoppix 4.0.2 LiveDVD through a vendor but couldnt wait till it arrives to find out more about the idea of booting the OS from my DVD drive. My question is, if I am running the operating system from the DVD without installing it on my HD, are all the applications (Mozilla, OpenOffice etc) also running from the DVD? And if so, where are the temporary internet files and cookies stored?
Yes, on a RAM disk. When you reboot your machine all settings will be gone.

Quote Originally Posted by bokaroseani
Also, how do I install the other extensions that I currently use (on Win ME on my Hard Disk) with Firefox? It looks like in the long run I will eventually have to install Knoppix on the hard disk to be able to use extensions with Firefox. right?
Not necessarily. I don't. I boot from the CD and use a persistent disk image (PDI) on an internal ATA drive, external FireWire drive, or USB thumb drive. To create a PDI, boot into KDE, then select K > KNOPPIX > Configure > Create persistent Knoppix disk image.

One of the nice things about a PDI is that it becomes your portable computer. Boot with CD+PDI and you will have the same setup wherever you go on whomever's machine you use. I've even heard that some people put the CD+PDI on a single USB thumb drive and boot from it.

- Robert