
I have a knoppix hard drive installed, ni live-cd.
I've read about konqueror desktop that I can create my own contextual menu. For example, iI wanna create a menu to make executable a file in konqueror. So, I created a file named make-executable.desktop. Here is the code :
[Desktop Entry]

[Desktop Action MakeExe]
Name=Make file executable
Name[fr]=Rendre exécutable
Exec=chmod +x %f
I put the file in /usr/share/apps/knoqueror/servicemenus, and I restarted X, but my contextual menu did not change at all. So, did I make a mistake in my desktop file ? Or, may be, It is not in the right directory...

When I click on my desktop file an error message appears, telling "rhe file doesnot comport any "Type line..."".

So, is there any explanations for this ?
Thank you for reply.