I am trying to run guppy which is a GUI front end for the puppy Topfield PVR transfer program.

I used alien to convert from the rpm file and eventually got the thing installed on a hard drive.

Initially I got

ERROR: Could not find required directory: /mnt/hda5/toppy/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages

/mnt/hda5/toppy/usr/lib/ has a python2.4 dir structure so I put in a symlink.

Then I get

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "../bin/guppy", line 75, in ?
from guppy import GuppyWindow
File "/mnt/hda5/toppy/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/guppy/GuppyWindow.py", line 24, in ?
import gtk
ImportError: No module named gtk

I am now stuck. I know *nix but not python or gtk.