I used the Live DVD to see what Knoppix is like, it was able to read all my drives, sata and everything. I unplugged my SATA in order to install knoppix to the HD, that way I don't accidently screw up my sata's .. well it booted and everything but it doesn't mount my Satas now. I tried making a link to /dev/sda1 and sda2 on my desktop but then it says it isn't found in fstab and some other file. I went to /dev/ and opened fstab, there I added my own entries for the sda1 and sda2 making sure to set configurations correctly but then I tried to save it and it said I didn't have write accesses.. so I logged out and typed in my username as root and my password then it said "Root logins are not allowed" I tried su also but that didn't work. I don't get this! It is my machine and I am the only user of it so what's with all this security nonsense? I can't connect to the internet because it doesn't detect my 802.11b network card either unfortunately. How do I completely 100% get rid of the security and make me the top level root user all the time so that I can actually make things work? Thanks