
I am using FT2232C chip device(USB-2COMi) for usbserial com port. After installing the VCP(using Linux version for Knoppix) and the CommApi(V3.0), I try to run the Java SimpleRead program on top of Knoppix enviroment.

I found the following errors:
Found port: /dev/ttyS4
java.io.IOException: Erro getting StatusFlags in call to ioctl(TIOCMGET)
at com.sun.comm.LinuxSerial.nativeGetStatusFlags(Nati ve Method)
at com.sun.comm.LinuxSerial.isCD(LinuxSerial.java:203 )
at com.sun.comm.LinuxSerial$SSCheckStatusThread.run(L inuxSerial.java:59

Also, I am using Netbeans4.1 with j2sdk1.4.2_09.
To verify my CommAPI and Java installation, I try to open the /dev/ttyS0 the physical attached Com port on my PC, it works fine here...

Does anyone using VCP with Knoppix before?? or Linux??
Any help would be appriciated...
