This is for experts only:

I have an remastered Knoppix 4.0.2 and have upgraded it by mixing the best of Kanotix and Knoppix together

So I have instead of XFree86 and udev instead of hotplug. Everything works fine except halting or rebooting the system. The problem is because I use UNIONFS and Kano don't use it in Kanotix's scripts.

Halting (/etc/init.d/knoppix-halt) the system goes fine to the point when unmounting filesystems:
Syncing /Unmounting filesystems... When /UNIONFS/dev/.static/dev/ should be unmounted it is in red color and stays there very long before unmounting.

My 'cat /proc/mounts' shows two UNIONFS:
/UNIONFS /UNIONFS unionfs rw,dirs=/ramdisk=rw:/KNOPPIX=ro,debug=0,delete=whiteout,copyup=preserve 0 0
/UNIONFS /UNIONFS/dev/.static/dev unionfs rw,dirs=/ramdisk=rw:/KNOPPIX=ro,debug=0,delete=whiteout,copyup=preserve 0 0
How to fix this? Something wrong in minirt.gz?
