PATCH: Adding unique hostname generation with cheatcode

Change Log:
* Version 1.0 - Fri Jan 20, 2006
Added /etc/hosts modification

* Version 1.0 - Thu Dec 01, 2005
Initial design

Always needed cause you just never know how people will interpret things. Please people, use this at your own risk. Whilst this method has and continues to work for me, I will not be held responsible for anything that might go wrong, due to an ommision or typo in this document. I too, like you, am human and do make mistakes.

This howto assumes an intermediate level of knowledge for bash scripting and knoppix remastering. It was posted becuase a few people asked for an example. There are many ways to do this, and this for the moment satisfies my needs. Note: It may not satisfy yours.

To achieve this I modify knoppix-autoconfig in the source directory of the remaster. By default the hostname is set to "Knoppix" by the command at line 493.

hostname "Knoppix"
I replace this line with the following (# Heavily commented for the unsure)

# If booting live and not from an install
if [ -z "$INSTALLED" ]

  # Check if the hostname cheatcode was passed at the boot prompt
  if checkbootparam "hostname"

    # Grab the value passed with the "hostname" cheatcode
    HN="$(getbootparam 'hostname')"

    # If it was auto
    if [ "$HN" = "auto" ]

      # Generate the hostname as "Knoppix" and append the Mac Address of eth0
      HN="Knoppix-$(ifconfig eth0 | grep HWaddr | awk '{print $5}' | sed s/://g)"

  # If no "hostname" cheatcode was supplied then use default "Knoppix"

# If running from a HDD install then grab the hostname from the file /etc/hostname
  # Get the default hostname from HDD
  HN="$(cat /etc/hostname)"

# Update /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts (/etc is writeable live boot, or hdd boot)
echo $HN > /etc/hostname
sed -i s/^127\.0\.0\.1.*/127\.0\.0\.1\t$HN\ localhost/ /etc/hosts

# Set the hostname
hostname $HN
If it is not apparent this script will provide some flexability, allowing default, explicit or auto generation of the hostname.

Example of default generation (no "hostname" cheatcode supplied):
boot: knoppix
The hostname for this example is "Knoppix"
Example of explicit generation ("hostname" cheatcode supplied with arbitrary name)
boot: knoppix hostname=computer_1
The hostname for this example is "computer_1"
Example of auto generation ("hostname" cheatcode supplied with "auto" name)
boot: knoppix hostname=auto
The hostname for this example is "Knoppix-MACADDRESS"
Please feel free to use and modify this code as you see fit, it can be made more generic, which I will get around to when the need arises. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or improvements.