can't boot Knoppix 4.0.2 on my PC: i'm on a CeleronD330 based system, mounting an Asus P4S800-MX SE main board (chipset: SiS 661FX), and a GeForce FX5500 graphics accelerator... the display is normally set to 1024x768 pixel, with a refresh rate of 60Hz...

when i was just using the main board's integrated graphics system, Knoppix was booting up correctly... but now that i installed the GeForce accelerator, the X Window system won't start: the monitor just goes black after all booting tasks seemed to complete successfully...

i've tried all suggested techniques, but no cheat code seems to work:

# boot: knoppix vga=0

# boot: knoppix acpi=off pnpbios=off noapic noapm

# boot: knoppix vga=0 debug -b 3

# boot: failsafe debug -b 3

# boot: knoppix screen=1024x768 xvrefresh=75

# boot: knoppix screen=800x600 xvrefresh=60

none of the above does anything...

the .iso CD image was burnt correctly (using NERO with the right setup for .iso images), and it actually booted up alright before the Geforce accelerator was installed...

i've got another PC (a Pentium 4), mounting a GeForce MX 420 graphics accelerator... and Knoppix won't boot up on that one either... i don't know, maybe Knoppix doesn't like GeForce... weird... apparently, it's easier to install Linux on an Xbox than booting Knoppix on PC...