I've just finished remastering Knoppix. Now before I burn it to CD, I'd like to test it first. I read the item at the How-To and I also looked at the sections on harddrive install.

A little background...
On the harddrive is installed WinXP and RH9. It has one harddrive with the following partitions:
/dev/hda1 (windows boot fat16)
/dev/hda2 (windows OS fat32)
/dev/hda3 (the RH hardware browser puts the remaing partitions under this partition and doesn't say much else about this)
/dev/hda5 (windows user files fat32)
/dev/hda6 (linux boot)
/dev/hda7 (linux swap)
/dev/hda8 (all other linux files)
(and no I don't know where hda4 is)
Knoppix from the CD finds hda1,hda2,hda5,hda6,hda8

I followed the directions in the How-To. Only major things I did was change the background image, change the auto-config script to allow you to set the host name (from a post in this forum), and remove Openoffice, Apache, PHP, and MySQL. My remastered stuff is on /dev/hda8 under the knx directory as suggested in the How-To

Now I editied my grub.conf file to add the following:

root (hd0,7)
kernel /knx/master/boot/isolinux/linux 2 fromhd=/dev/hda8/knx/source lang=us
initrd /knx/master/boot/isolinux/minirt.gz

I reboot and select the new option from grub. Now it seems to boot fine. The kernel gets decompressed, it scans for USB/Firewire devices.

Then something horrible happens...
It says
Can't find KNOPPIX filesystem, sorry.
Dropping you to a (very limited shell.
Press reset button to quit
I've tried playing with everything. I've narrowed the problem down to the value for fromhd=
I tried moving the KNOPPIX directory to / of hda8 (which was suggested in the how to) and pointing fromhd there. I've tried putting on other partitions. However no matter what I try I still get that horrible error.

Does anyone know what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.