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Thread: Yet another 'I can't connect' thread

  1. #11
    Junior Member registered user
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    Thank you for not castigating me for rambling too much. Reading through his original post again., and again. He has a DSL ISP bridge piece of hard ware from the telephone wire out of the wall and then, he has a linksys combination router, firewall and 4 port switch. ?????

    Do this. From a web browser Log into the linksys router. Check the settings in the router,Linksys, make sure the router has a good IP from the DSL ISP, and then PING at the router, or ping from the router, or go to the section in the router set up where it says to test internet connection and it has the ability to send a ping to an IP address.

    The Link sys is either getting a good IP address or not.????? The Links sys has five ethernet ports on ii's back. LAN (4x) and one WAN. the WAN is connected to the DSL ISP bridge. Some people call it a modem or a router it is not. It is best to not use the wireless part first until the DSL ISP connection is set up and working. Do a hardwaired connection to the linksys.

    I know that once you do it correctly one time you will see as I do how easy it is.

    The linksys in question has a status page??????
    Check it to see if the IP addres from the DSL ISP is good.????????????

  2. #12
    Senior Member registered user
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    ok, you have a router, many (could even say "most consumer model") routers have DHCP as default, this sets the network up all by itself.
    So the question is, have you tried to type a web adress in the first window that appears when starting knoppix?
    that is a web browser and perhaps you are overcomplicating things.
    have you typed
    in a console window (icon of a computerscreen), that is equivalen to ipconfig /all in a win comandprompt, oh, ifconfig is NOT misspelled.

    if you have, hmm, what do you do in windows? what does
    ipconfig /all
    say in windows?
    if it is something like 10.0.0.XXX or 192.168.X.XXX we are a good part of the way (please put whole adress here, it is not acessible from internet).
    some small things
    have you tried to do netcardconfig in linux?

  3. #13
    To answer a few questions:

    I am running a cable connection, not a DSL.

    I have tried just typing in an address into Firefox and Konquerer, but no dice.

    I am running it from cd, b/c my ISP keeps cutting off my connection while trying to download the DVD.

    I haven't yet tried the network card config thing in Linux yet. I will try that shortly.

    The reason I mentioned KPPP is because the only FAQ I could find mentioned using this to get connected.

    Thank you all for your overwhelming useful information. Hopefully I won't have quite so many dumb questions once I can work on Linux AND look around online at the same time.

    I will now go try the NCC and report back here.

  4. #14
    Junior Member registered user
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    Dear Mr. Munkey. Don't worry about the dumb questions,??????. You are where I was 4 years ago, but was too dumb to go to this forum and get help. I know you can get it working. I did, so can you.

    The NCC thing as you say is a good place to check.

  5. #15

    That didn't work, but it seems like it's just from my not understanding.

    When I tried using a DHCP broadcast from eth0 or eth1, it would simply say 'Operation Failed'. This confuses me because I have DHCP turned on in my router settings.

    I tried doing it manually, but it doesn't seem to like me. I figure this is because I'm using the wrong IP addresses in the wrong places.

    Information it's asking for:

    IP Address for eth0
    Network MMask for eth0
    Broadcast Address for eth0
    Default Gateway

    Information I have:

    Router IP Address
    Router Subnet Mask
    Network Address Server Settings (DHCP) Starting IP Address
    Internet IP Address
    Internet Subnet Mask
    Default Gateway

    Now Default Gateway is rather obvious, as is DNS = Nameserver, but which IP addresses does it want prior to that?

  6. #16
    Administrator Site Admin-
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronMonkeyL255
    I am running a cable connection, not a DSL.
    Opps, my error there. What hapens when I try to follow several threads on similar subjects early in the morning. To revise my advice:
    • You still don't need KPPP.
      You don't need or want any PPPoE software either.
      Your router should be taking care of this by DHCP, I don't know why it isn't
      If by any chance you have a feature in the router that limits access by MAC address, disable that feature for now.

    Quote Originally Posted by IronMonkeyL255
    I have tried just typing in an address into Firefox and Konquerer, but no dice.
    Strange, with a router this usually is all you need. You might want to try to ping
    from a shell and see what happens. More importantly, ping (from a command shell) the router itself, usuall where xxx is 0, 1 or 2 (1 for Linksys if I remember right but don't count on that).

    Quote Originally Posted by IronMonkeyL255
    I am running it from cd, b/c my ISP keeps cutting off my connection while trying to download the DVD.
    There are a lot of reasons for downloading the DVD with BitTorrent rather than from a mirror. One key issue is that there is a problem that frequentlly corrupts Knoppix mirror downloads. Another is that BitTorrent tends to be faster. But the one worth mentioning here is that BitTorrent will let you restart the connection and continue on, retaining what was already downloaded.

    The DVD and CD will connect in exactly the same way, so not using the DVD is unrelated.

    Quote Originally Posted by IronMonkeyL255
    I haven't yet tried the network card config thing in Linux yet. I will try that shortly.
    That is a likely source of a fix if for some reason the router isn't setting Knoppix up by DHCP properly, but it would be nice to know why the router isn't setting up the NIC by DHCP.

    Quote Originally Posted by IronMonkeyL255
    The reason I mentioned KPPP is because the only FAQ I could find mentioned using this to get connected.
    Yea, but it's strictly a modem thing. Feel free to pitch in and help improve our wiki when you get things working.

    Quote Originally Posted by IronMonkeyL255
    Thank you all for your overwhelming useful information. Hopefully I won't have quite so many dumb questions once I can work on Linux AND look around online at the same time.
    Your questions were not dumb and (unlike many users) you actually provided some important information n your first post; I just misread it.

  7. #17
    I was using BitTorrent for the DVD. It was kinda funny and frustrating, as all I had to do to get it to work again is power cycle the modem.

    And yes, it is for my Linksys router.

  8. #18
    Junior Member registered user
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    try this.
    That didn't work, but it seems like it's just from my not understanding.

    When I tried using a DHCP broadcast from eth0 or eth1, it would simply say 'Operation Failed'. This confuses me because I have DHCP turned on in my router settings.

    I tried doing it manually, but it doesn't seem to like me. I figure this is because I'm using the wrong IP addresses in the wrong places.

    Information it's asking for:

    IP Address for eth0
    Network MMask for eth0
    Broadcast Address for eth0
    Default Gateway

    Information I have:

    Router IP Address
    Router Subnet Mask
    Network Address Server Settings (DHCP) Starting IP Address
    Internet IP Address
    Internet Subnet Mask
    Default Gateway

    Now Default Gateway is rather obvious, as is DNS = Nameserver, but which IP addresses does it want prior to that?
    IP Address for eth0
    Network MMask for eth0
    Broadcast Address for eth0
    Default Gateway
    Nameserver................... DHCP for the linksys is pushing out an IP for anyone that will listen.
    The knoppix OS is saying you have a NIC card and it can see it. if you do not have a NIC then you get no network adapter found. that is the mesg. You got 'Operation Failed'. What that says is the NIC card you have , did not get an Ip from the DHCP. this is good.

    Lets give the NIC card an IP? when you run the NCC then next time instead of yes to auto get DHCP, click no "No" button.

    then..... put these in.........
    IP Address for eth0..................
    Network MMask for eth0.........
    Broadcast Address for eth0.... it will have this in there already, don't change it.
    Default Gateway.......................
    Nameserver................................192.168. 1.1...................
    These are the 1st IP address for the default DHCP range on a Linksys router.
    Put these in to the questions. then and the bash prompt. ( click on the black, gray,white icon in the tool bar, next the orange house)
    on my machine a black screen appears and has one line..........knoppix@{knoppix}$.................. ........
    type "cd /" "return/enter/key"nothing else...........
    type "sbin/ifconfig" ..........."return/enter/key" nothing else................
    what do you see???????
    you should see that eth0 has the information that you just put in...............

  9. #19
    Junior Member registered user
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    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:02:E3:37:0B:3D
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    inet6 addr: fe80::202:e3ff:fe37:b3d/64 Scope:Link
    RX packets:24813 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:27285 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:19216253 (18.3 MiB) TX bytes:6277976 (5.9 MiB)
    Interrupt:20 Base address:0x2000

    lo Link encap:Local Loopback
    inet addr: Mask:
    inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:1607 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:1607 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:169800 (165.8 KiB) TX bytes:169800 (165.8 KiB)
    Here is a sample of my out put when I do the bash prompt......................
    Knoppix is wonderful in that it let me copy this with out any effort. When you get it working , as I know you will, I think you will love it even more.

    You can see how my NIC card is set up.

  10. #20
    Senior Member registered user
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    I'm still not sure your eth0 is being seen by knoppix, from a root shell type: ifconfig, and see if there is indeed a entry for eth0.

    Also what is your pc setup, motherboard, network card etc. The dsl modem and router may be working fine, knoppix might be having trouble getting your network card to work beacause it hasnt the right driver loaded for it.

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