I am a bit unsure where to put this topic, I got a HD Install (Debian from the Knoppix DVD by the way) to a brand new Maxtor 80Gb HD (Tried regular DVD booted Knoppix, it felt a lot greater than Windows ever did. So I will be using it more often now)

However, the problem I got is the aircrack program (A little white hat challenge that my dad has issued me, he thinks WEP is secure, and I want to proove him wrong.)
As I am relatively new to Linux I am still not familiar with all the commands used in the shell or the different shells.
But my main issue is that the Airodump program (Aircrack is a package) need to be runned as root via a shell.
THAT is where the problems starts, running it from the root shell just spits out "Unknown Command" errors and when running it from a regular shell it spits out an error about lacking root access.

My guess is that I am missing a command here, what I need is a command that allows me to run this program from the root shell I think, keep in mind that the program has quite a few additional parameters that needs to be entered after the program name (Like "gksu -u root" for an example, the -u is one parameter.)
This root stuff is quite frustrating too, I guess I should look around for a guide on how to install drivers as well (Found some updated WLAN drivers for my Ralink 2500 chipset)