I am running Mandriva2006. Yesterday, I downloaded and created a iso cd of Knoppix 4.0.2 and booted up on it to look at Knoppix. I have since proven that just booting up on a Knoppix CD and then shutting down leaves my Hostname changed to "Knoppix", and Gnome complains that it can not find my IP Address.

I am unfamiliar with what all I need to do, to put my system back the way it was, as the Hostname and IP Address, etc., was automatically configured when I installed Mandriva2006. And while I have managed to change the Hostname to anything I want, I still have Gnome complaining about not being able to find my IP Address. What files does the Knoppix CD access and change, when it changes the Hostname of a computer system?

What do I need to do, to repair this?