I have a very old PC, I cannot go to the bios. (It's a Compaq DeskPro 2000, pentium 166). It has a floppy drive and a cd rom.

I also have a copy of Knoppix 4.0.2 on cd which I proved it is working on another PC. (that one can boot from the cd-rom).

Now, I try to run Knoppix from the old machine.

I read the FAQ, it says I can create 2 boot floppy disks by running mkbootfloppy.

So I boot up the Knoppix on the other PC and run the mkbootfloppy. The program starts but failed in the middle complaining about the floppy disk has problem. I know I try to format 1.44 M disk to 1.72 M. I tried all floppy I have on hand (not much, I only have 5 of them) Cannot make one work.

So I search the internet and find there is another solution. (the SBM).

I download the SBM and copy it to the floppy.

Put the SBM floppy and the Knoppix cd into the PC, turn on the machine.

After a while, the SBM screen appears. But I cannot find my CD rom from the list. Browse around the SBM application, and cannot find a way to boot from the cd-rom.

I have to confess here, I upgrade this PC cd-rom to a dvd-rom many years ago so I think the old machine does not see the dvd-rom. But if I boot the windows 95 from the harddisk, it can see the DVD rom.

The closest one I can find from the SBM application is that there is a screen asking me to put it two hex numbers for the cd-rom, but I don't know what numbers I should be enter here.

Any one can help? Or is there any other way beside the two I mentioned above?
