Hi I wondered if anyone could help or point me in the right direction. Ive experimented with a couple of linux distro's being linspire, ubuntu and suse. I manged to get suse to install but the others failed on just the live cd. Knoppix seems pretty good at first glance, the live cd loaded flawlessly. Anyway, im using knoppix 3.9 live cd which im hoping to install to a partition later in the gradual process migrating from win xp. Im up against it a bit as im on a wireless device, the linksys wusb54g, which (even though my linksys router has linux components) they dont offer linux drivers for my usb device. Could someone help with configuring my wireless device for the knoppix 3.9 live cd. Or point me in the right direction of a guide, wiki that may help. Thanks

Also using version 4 of the wusb54g