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Thread: Persistent Cheat Codes

  1. #11
    Junior Member
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    Hi Icpug;

    Good to see you back too. I anxiously await your reply. I'm most interested in Knoppix, but if you have a procedure for Puppy, I'd greatly appreciate that also.



  2. #12
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    I'm glad you asked for the Puppy instructions. Follow them and making the mods for Knoppix later will be much easier.

    Go to:

    This gives a set of instructions for a complete newbie to obtain Linux and dual boot it with Windows. You obviously don't have to obtain your Linux so things are a bit simpler. I like to explain things a lot so there are a lot of words in these instructions, but not a lot of actual work to do!

    Carry out Steps 1 and 2 as these are valid for any Linux. Even if you do not want to bother with setting up Puppy do this in preparation for Knoppix.

    Carry out step 3 but you will not have to download any files. Copy the existing Puppy files you have. Copy any existing pup.001 file to the same folder as user_cram.fs. The instructions are written for Puppy 1.0.7 but they will work equally well for other versions. You may want to name the directory c:\boot\puppy.107 something different if you are using another version. Just make sure you reference the same directory in step 4.

    Carry out step 4. Note how the Puppy cheat codes are added in the vmlinuz line. This is what we do with Knoppix cheat codes when we get round to that - and that is how your original request is answered!

    When you have done this you should have a working Puppy on your hard disk.

    All I have to do then is provide the modified step 3 and 4 for Knoppix 4.0.2. I am going to assume you are doing this on Windows 98 and NOT Windows XP. Should have the instructions by the end of this weekend. Watch this space. Let me know how you get on with the Puppy instructions.


  3. #13
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    Worked like a charm with Puppy. I had a bit of a problem the first time I booted. An error occurred indicating the vmlinuz file could not be found. When I downloaded that file it came with a ".htm" file extension which I thought was fine at the time. After I renamed the file dropping the extension, all was good.

    Your instructions are really well written and greatly appreciated. I look forward to receiving your Knoppix version.


  4. #14
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    Glad to hear you got Puppy working from the frugal install OK. I have used your experience of vmlinuz.htm to amend the instructions to look out for this.

    I have now crafted the instructions for a Poor Man's install of Knoppix to a Window 9x machine and incorporated them within the Lin'N'WinNewB Project. You can go to the link I gave before and plough your way through to the relevant pages or, having completed steps 1 and 2 already, go straight to the Knoppix pages for steps 3 and 4:

    Step 3:

    You already have your Knoppix Live CD so you only have to follow the bits at the bottom of this page.

    Note: If you already have a copy of Knoppix on your hard drive - which I think you do - then either move it to where the instructions say or remove it before following my instructions. Do NOT have two copies of Knoppix on the hard drive. According to posts here Knoppix can sometimes get confused.

    Step 4:

    This page has some notes about incorporating your cheat codes so they will become persistent and you don't have to keep typing them in.

    Hopefully, with this all done, you will have a PC from which you can boot Windows, Puppy and Knoppix with no need for CDs, or typing of cheat codes every time.

    Let me know how you get on.


  5. #15
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    Spent all of yesterday and all morning today trying to get Knoppix to boot per your last instruction post. Knoppix would start to boot then stop after "Scanning for USB/Firewire Devices" showing "Can't find KNOPPIX file system, sorry, Dropping you to a (very limited) shell, press reset button to quit, ............ Knoppix#". I messed around altering the menu.lst script and placing the KNOPPIX file and folder and duplicates thereof anywhere I thought might work. Had a few slightly successful boots to Knoppix in German language but was unable to shut down, or avoid all kinds of error messages. Gave up last night. Started fresh this morning on another computer with clean install of Win98SE. Downloaded another Knoppix 4.0.2 iso and burned Knoppix CD. I then followed your instruction step 1 through 4, and got the same sorry message above.

    I moved the KNOPPIX file to the root of C (hda1) then it finally booted normally into Knoppix. I created a few folders and files in the Home Directory, Changed the desktop wallpaper, saved the configuration and created a persistent Home on hda5. I then placed the Cheat Codes config=/dev/hda5 home=/dev/hda5 in the menu.lst file and rebooted to Knoppix.

    The knoppix config was loaded on boot and came up with my desktop changes intact. hda5 however had reverted back to read only and was not mounted as I had set it up before rebooting. The files in the Home directory that I placed in there for testing did not load or were not saved on the initial run of Knoppix.

    I went back to the original computer I was trying this on yesterday, wiped every trace of Knoppix files and folders I could find off of all hd partitions, copied the Knoppix file to the root of hda1 and, like magic, it too booted up OK into Knoppix. Same results though not being able to save Home directory or hda5 mount and write settings between boots.

    Well ICPUG, we're better than half way there. Now if you can help me get persistent home and the hd settings to remain sticky, we've won and deserve to celebrate. The only question left then: Your place or mine?

    Hope to hear from you soon.


  6. #16
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    I'm very sorry to hear that things did not go as smoothly as I expected.

    From your comments that you had a few successful boots in German and the fact the KNOPPIX file had to be moved to the root of C one explanation could be that the parameters on the 2 lines below the 'Kernel=' line are not being recognised, The directory for the location of KNOPPIX and the language is defined on these lines. You now have config working but not permanent home. If the config parameter is on the same line as the 'kernel=' but home parmeter on the lines below this would confirm this theory.

    I cannot emphasise enough that these 3 lines, (as displayed on screen in the web page), are entered as ONE line. Just keep typing it in menu.lst, putting a space between each cheat code.

    I also thought the cheat code for home was 'home=/dev/hda5/knoppix.img'

    I have not played with a permanent home so cannot confirm what happens in this regard. I will now try and set one up tonight on my machine.

    Can you please e-mail me a copy of your current menu.lst? You will find my e-mail address on the response page pointed to on the last page of the instructions.


  7. #17
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    I think I have found the reason for your problems (and pleasingly it is not my instructions!).

    I have now successfully created a persistent home and saved my configuration on my own Windows 98 PC and successfully rebooted and everything is still there. Let me tell you what I did.

    My menu.lst as per original instructions
    Booted up Knoppix
    Mounted hda5
    Made hda5 writeable
    Changed the background picture to be different from the default
    Using the Knoppix menu created a persistent home on hda5
    Saved the configuration on hda5
    I now created a KWrite file on the Home directory (but see later)
    Shutdown Knoppix

    I planned to reboot into Knoppix to check that without changes to the menu.lst it would come back as the default background picture and my Home directory would be devoid of the KWrite file.

    When I booted into Knoppix I was amazed to find a full screen prompt come up saying it had found an image file and did I want it as a persistent home. It would seem the home cheat code is not necessary - it scans anyway! This time I said CANCEL. (Wait 20secs and it defaults to CANCEL).

    True enough the default background picture was back and my Home directory was devoid of the KWrite file.

    Shutdown Knoppix and rebooted into Windows

    Modified the menu.lst to ADD two cheat codes to the end of my current 'kernel=' line. These were config=/mnt/hda5 home=/mnt/hda5. I've just realised the cheat code list says, as you had, /dev/hda5. I was following the book 'Knowing Knoppix'!

    Rebooted into Knoppix. It gave the screen prompt again but this time I chose OK to load the persistent home. At the end of the boot up my chosen background picture was displayed so the saved configuration had been loaded.

    Went to check the Home drive and I was amazed to find no KWrite file! However, I remembered that at the time I created my persistent home it said a reboot was required. I had not done that at the time I wrote the original KWrite file so I created it again.

    Rebooted into Knoppix again and this time as well as the chosen background picture I also had my KWrite file. I edited it to make sure my Home had read/write capability and it did.

    All seems to behave as you want. I find it annoying that you have to say OK to load the persistent home, but it seems impossible to bypass that now. According to the screen prompt it is a security measure.

    It was while writing this offline that I realised I had used different cheat codes for home and config. I decided to check whether /dev/hda5 would work instead of /mnt/hda5. I found it would for config but NOT for home! I had now exactly mimicked your problem. So the solution is to use home=/mnt/hda5 and not home=/dev/hda5.

    I now decided to play around. I knew it would auto detect the home. I wondered what would happen if I left out the config cheat code as well. Numerous bootings later I found that if you define a cheatcode it overrides the default of auto searching - which is why the home=/dev/hda5 failed. If you DON'T define a cheatcode it auto searches. Consequently you do not HAVE to define home or config if the auto search works. Leave them out and select OK when it finds the persistent home image and it would load the persistent home and config automatically (for some reason KMIX was opened though???). Leave the cheat codes out and select CANCEL when it finds the persistent home image and it boots with the default config and home.

    I'm still think your problem of Knoppix having to be in the root of C is a malformed line in menu.lst.

    UPDATE - Yes it is! I received the menu.lst by e-mail and I can see the problem now. The browser used to view the instruction page did not render the &nbsp character as a space. You put these in the menu.lst which upset the lines. Revised menu.lst sent back by e-mail.

    As always, let me know how you get on.


  8. #18
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    IT WORKS GREAT! Many, many, many thanks for all your help.

    I really like how easy this is to set up (in the end) and the fact that it is not intrusive at all to the high and mighty Windows set up.

    I share your annoyance with having to select OK at the Persistent Home selection prompt. It would be really nice if there was some way to bypass that, perhaps with a cheat code parameter.

    There are still a few minor situations with the Knoppix boot that could use some attention when and if time permits. I'm getting "Error loading file:///cdrom/KNOPPIX/index_en.html: The file or folder ......... does not exist". Works OK if Knoppix CD is in drive, but this is a pain where BIOS set up boots CD before HD. Kmix is also starting with Knoppix ... OK I guess if your a music lover. And, I'm still having a problem with hda5 remaining writable between boots. I haven't decided yet if this is a good thing or not. Maybe it's a good safety switch when others are using my computer.

    All in all, I'm happy as a pig in pink. I look forward to the day Windows becomes the boot option rather than the default, or, better still, not an option at all.

    Again, many thanks for all your assistance.


  9. #19
    Junior Member registered user
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    Hi ICPUG,
    Thanks for the instructions. I tried on my PC and it worked really great. Do you think this method of using grldr can be used to boot a Fedora installation?

    What I meant is this:
    After copying the grldr and menu.lst into the C:\ and modifying boot.ini to add in the grldr
    entry and modifying menu.lst for knoppix.
    1. Install FC5 into a separate partition and do not install its bootloader in the MBR so that
    Windows bootloader continue to be in the MBR.
    2. Modify menu.lst to add an entry for the FC5 so that when booting up, we have 3 options.
    Windows, Knoppix and Fedora.


  10. #20
    Senior Member registered user
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    Hi Beausimon,

    Glad to hear you got my instructions to work - especially as I have not specifically added those for Knoppix with grldr (for NTFS). You have made the link for yourself!

    I have no experience with full Linux Distros like Fedora. I concentrate on Live CDs because they do what I want and appear to be less hassle!

    As I understand it Fedora, like all full Linux systems, needs a separate partition. This partition will also have to be made active. I am not sure the Grub4DOS file (grub.exe or grldr) will cope with this. I don't have the hardware to test it either. Maybe you want to be brave and try! I will not be able to help if it goes really wrong, although I cannot see why it should. I suspect it just wouldn't find the Fedora system.

    As I understand it, when you do an install of Fedora and answer the questions correctly, it will install Grub in the MBR and set up the grub configuration file so it will dual boot with Windows, although I am not sure which version of Windows we are talking about here. If it works with Windows XP then I guess we could amend the Fedora grub configuration file to call up a Knoppix cloop file. I would have to be absolutely sure Fedora will dual boot with Windows XP before trying this though. I have a fear of messing up the MBR and then nothing works! At the very least you need the Emergency Recovery Disk created from Windows XP (and checked that it works beforehand!) so that you can reset the MBR back to what Windows likes.


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