Neh... like Harry said, that doesn't fit Klaus. If he decides to go straight for the 5.01 version, then he
probably has good reason for it. I only met Klaus once, on the HCC Computer days in Holland and he is
a great guy.

And I don't mind waiting, it is only going to get better. I got back into Linux (after an absence of 6 years)
thanks to Knoppix 3.1 which I still find to be an excellent release (still use it on some older laptops )
And since the company I work for is using more and more Linux ..... I only have one windoze station left...
and that is purely for my filmscanner (Sane doesn't support it yet). Thanks to Klaus and Knoppix I even
started to build my own Debian Distro so I could learn.

Lets just wait and see.... haste make waste