I installed Knoppix 4.0.2 as a dual boot with Win XP. I've come across a problem with Macromedia Flash when browsing certain sites. The flash video comes across just fine, but the flash audio is just a series of beeps and screeches. I've tried installing and uninstalling from the repository using Kpackage and also downloading directly from the Macromedia web site and doing the install using Kosnsole and the ./flashplayer-installer command. The installs in both cases finish succesfully without errors, but with the same screechy sounding output when I try to access a site with flash. I even upgraded my Mozilla browser for Firefox and went through the whole process again, but to no avail.

In the end I want a single boot linux box and this flash problem is going to be critical, as I want my daughters to still have access to their favourite web sites (such as barbie.everythinggirl.com) once I've gotten rid of the XP. Up until 2 weeks ago I had Kubuntu 5.10 installed on that same partition and had no problems of that kind at all. With the Kubuntu I had even managed to install Macromedia Flash on Konqueror, which is something else I don't seem to be able to do with Knoppix.

Any ideas/solutions anyone?