For those who want to watch these trailers you 'll found that the mplayer versions on the debian respositorys(stable-testing-unstable) don't work , depending from the version you get errors on init_video or init_audio (the last source from the mplayer site 'MPlayer v1.0pre7try2' didn't work either )

Then how do we do?
1_ First you need MPlayer CVS and FFmpeg CVS
  cvs login
  cvs -z3 co -P main
  cvs login
  cvs -z3 co -P ffmpeg
on asked password press 'ENTER'

2_ Copy the libavcodec and libavutil and libformat subdirectories from ffmpeg into the main (create when downloading mplayer CVS) directory.
3_ edit the file 'RULES' on the directory main/debian
#Search the next line
./configure --prefix=/usr --confdir=/etc/mplayer $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS) 
#Changed it to something like this !!!
./configure --prefix=/usr --confdir=/etc/mplayer --enable-gui $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)
4_ Execute: fakeroot debian/rules binary
This will create a debian package with a up-to-date mplayer
5_ on root mode execute: dpkg -i [name of the package created].deb
6_ Download the Skin from mplayer : DEFAULT Blue
7_ Extract the files of the skin into '/usr/share/skin' (If necessary change the name of the skin from Blue to defautl)

ALL SET AND READY :P now you can view the high definition trailers from apple with mplayer or gmplayer
(To view the trailers online from browsers like firefox you need too the debian package: mozilla-mplayer)

For more info go to Mplayer HQ

I Hope this info helps and sorry for my bad english