My friend has a knackered up laptop and i want to use knoppix as a recovery tool to get data off the hard drive.

Knoppix loads up perfectly on it and runs as smooth as anything (v 4.0.2).

I've managed to mount the drive. Don't ask how, i've just been typing random commands in from this:
# modprobe usb-storage

# less /proc/modules

#mkdir /mnt/sda1
#mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
#mount -o uid=knoppix -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
#ls /mnt/sda1

Now apparantly i'm supposed to have some command in the fstab file, but i can't add to that file.

So now i can actually mount the USB stick, i can see whats in it, but i cannot write to it as it says i do not have permission. I have gone into the properties of the device and changed the permissions to 777 but still i cannot write to it.

Please help, as i am completely stumped as to where to go and what to do from here.

Thank you.
