knoppix tells me of a succesfull install, unfortunatley i still made mistakes..

right after the install had finished i tried to view my new partion for knoppix but it wouldnt let me view the drive, so i went back to qparted and set the drive back to active. After reboot
i cant boot into kde desktop now, i try and get errors, windows xp still works fine.

How can i fix this?

On boot- error initialising udev socket inter-process communications for kde.
could not read network connection list.
//.dcopserver_knoppix_o check dcopserver program is running.

will not save config //.kde/share/config/konsolerc not writable
//.kde/share/config/globals not writable
check kstartupconfig

unable to save bookmarks, permission denied
error likely to be full hd.

this is (approx) my hd partions (only 1 hd 80gb)

Windows ntfs= 55gb
Ext2 knoppix= 18gb
Linux Swap = 2gb