I have an IMB Thinkpad A21m that for some reason will not boot or read the Knoppix 5.0 DVD, even though I can play movie DVDs on the machine (yes, my BIOs is up-to-date). Knoppix 4.0.2 works.

I thought I'd try a Poor Man's Install of the 5.0 on it. I put that DVD into another machine that was networked to the Thinkpad, both booted under Windows, and copied the KNOPPIX directory over to the Thinkpad's hard drive (I had previously renamed the KNOPPIX directory from the 4.0.2 to something else).

I then needed a way to start the boot. I tried booting using the 4.0.2 CD, and it sorta worked, but some things were not functional, so I guess it is not as easy as that. The documentation on this site mentioned a mkfloppy script for starting the boot with that, but it must no longer be present with 5.0 (I couldn't find it, anyway).

Anyone got a straightforward way to launch 5.0 off my hard drive, not involving something like lilo or grub? Was my procedure of just copying the KNOPPIX directory over correct, or does the "tohd" cheatcode do something more complex than that when it creates the hard drive copy?