So, i try to boot Knoppix from image placed on FAT partition. I know that this can look crazy, but don't think about it, just take it as it is, i don't want change this for now.

During search for knoppix image, when boot scripts search for it, when it tries to mount my harddrive ( probably by mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /cdrom or something like that ) it outputs error :
FAT: codepage cp437 not found
Is there any way how can i fix this / change codepage used / include support for this codepage

Thank you for any suggestions and mind please, that i'd like to know how to mount vfat partitions during boot process, not how to boot knoppix from other source ( burn it on cd, install it on hdd, or so ) .

Note: for booting i use loadlin with proper kernel, init ram disk.