cmg files are run with ".zAppRun" (in your home directory). If you setup klik as described on the klik site, cmg files should automatically be associated with .zAppRun...
a Klik app ran fine when I clicked Download & Run on the klik page. But now that I have the .cmg file on my desktop, when I click it I get an "Open with..." dialog.
What program should I select to open a .cmg file? Where is that prog located?
(I did a search for klik on my computer with several results; not sure which, if any, is the right choice.)
(Using Xandros 3.02 OCE with KDE)
cmg files are run with ".zAppRun" (in your home directory). If you setup klik as described on the klik site, cmg files should automatically be associated with .zAppRun...
Easily with:
orCode:sh .zAppRun
If it dooesn´t work, try searching where the file .zAppRun it´s located (it´s a hidden archive) and give the full path.Code:sh /home/username/.zAppRun
In KDE I could associate them, only after changing the icon of the application.cmg, the check box to associate didn´t apear before.
Hope this helps.
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