Quote Originally Posted by Harry Kuhman
Quote Originally Posted by jgrauman
I think it would be very helpful if this script was put onto the CD, full of 2k of comments like I suggested ....
I have nothing against the idea, but have you looked at the ISO in it's current state? Have you found the current area that you are talking about? There must be some stuff there now, are you sure that there isn't enough space to do what you want? Do you know if there are not plenty of extra nulls that you could take advantage of? It would be much easier to promote your idea if you could show that you had edited the ISO sucessufully and done something, and now just needed more space to work in to make it generally useful to any more.
I think it's quite different thing to hexedit a file which already exists in ISO, than to add new file to ISO by hexediting it, if that's even possible.