Hi everyone,

I've learned alot from this forum so I thought it time for me to conribute... I have seen this come up from time to time. .... On HD-Install systems knoppix-autoconfig regenerates ld.so.cache and modules.dep and each startup adding a fair amount of time to your boot sequence. If the hardware in the machine has not been changed since last boot then ld.so.cache and modules.dep doesnt HAVE to be regenerated..... SOooo...

1st backup your knoppix-autoconfig as root like so:
cp /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig.BACKUP

Find this section in /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig:
if [ -n "$INSTALLED" ]; then
echo -n "${BLUE}Running from HD, regenerate ld.so.cache and modules.dep...${NORMAL}"
# Regenerate ld.so.cache and module dependencies on HD
ldconfig ; depmod -a 2>/dev/null
# knoppix-installer bug workaround
chmod 1777 /tmp 2>/dev/null
echo ""

Edit this section as follows:
if [ -n "$INSTALLED" ]; then
  if ! checkbootparam "nomodregen"; then
  echo -n "${BLUE}Running from HD, regenerate ld.so.cache and modules.dep...${NORMAL}"
  # Regenerate ld.so.cache and module dependencies on HD
  ldconfig ; depmod -a 2>/dev/null
  # knoppix-installer bug workaround
  chmod 1777 /tmp 2>/dev/null
  echo ""
  else chmod 1777 /tmp 2>/dev/null ; echo -n "${BLUE}Not regenerating ld.so.cache and modules.dep as per your request...${NORMAL}" ; echo ""
Then issuing the "nomodregen" cheat-code will allow you to skip this regeneration process.... Even on a static machine this should probably be done from time to time....so if you need to Regenerate ld.so.cache and module dependencies the following commads may be issued:
depmod -a

This ofcoarse may be added to a script like /usr/bin/knx-mod-regen

echo Regenerating ld.so.cache and module dependencies.....
ldconfig ; depmod -a

I almost made a diff to patch knoppix-autoconfig but I figured showing it the long way might be helpfull to someone ...

Anyway, enjoy