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Thread: Skip regenerate and modules.dep by cheat code

  1. #1
    Senior Member registered user
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    Jul 2006

    Skip regenerate and modules.dep by cheat code

    Hi everyone,

    I've learned alot from this forum so I thought it time for me to conribute... I have seen this come up from time to time. .... On HD-Install systems knoppix-autoconfig regenerates and modules.dep and each startup adding a fair amount of time to your boot sequence. If the hardware in the machine has not been changed since last boot then and modules.dep doesnt HAVE to be regenerated..... SOooo...

    1st backup your knoppix-autoconfig as root like so:
    cp /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig.BACKUP

    Find this section in /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig:
    if [ -n "$INSTALLED" ]; then
    echo -n "${BLUE}Running from HD, regenerate and modules.dep...${NORMAL}"
    # Regenerate and module dependencies on HD
    ldconfig ; depmod -a 2>/dev/null
    # knoppix-installer bug workaround
    chmod 1777 /tmp 2>/dev/null
    echo ""

    Edit this section as follows:
    if [ -n "$INSTALLED" ]; then
      if ! checkbootparam "nomodregen"; then
      echo -n "${BLUE}Running from HD, regenerate and modules.dep...${NORMAL}"
      # Regenerate and module dependencies on HD
      ldconfig ; depmod -a 2>/dev/null
      # knoppix-installer bug workaround
      chmod 1777 /tmp 2>/dev/null
      echo ""
      else chmod 1777 /tmp 2>/dev/null ; echo -n "${BLUE}Not regenerating and modules.dep as per your request...${NORMAL}" ; echo ""
    Then issuing the "nomodregen" cheat-code will allow you to skip this regeneration process.... Even on a static machine this should probably be done from time to if you need to Regenerate and module dependencies the following commads may be issued:
    depmod -a

    This ofcoarse may be added to a script like /usr/bin/knx-mod-regen
    echo Regenerating and module dependencies.....
    ldconfig ; depmod -a

    I almost made a diff to patch knoppix-autoconfig but I figured showing it the long way might be helpfull to someone ...

    Anyway, enjoy

  2. #2
    Junior Member registered user
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    Jul 2006
    Hi, thanx for your post. Indeed, this trick is very useful. I did it myself about one year ago on a Knoppix 3.6 HD install which I continuously updated and improved. One of the first improvements was this new boot parameter, which I called "fastboot" and which saves a lot of time at boot.
    It's a "nice to have"

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2006
    this works great except for one littre thing, probably you can help me (or probably it's normal )

    when i do a "flash boot" my network card isn't configured (insn't find), then no more internet

    Is it normal? is there a way to pass throught?



    Using Compact presario 700
    Damn small linux - N

  4. #4
    Senior Member registered user
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    It looks like something has changed with the installer since I made that patch. Ill get back to you with a fix (If now possible)

    One Mynds Eye

  5. #5
    Senior Member registered user
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    Jul 2006
    Well.... I spoke too soon . Looks like something may infact have changed with the installer but it shouldnt affect that cheatcode.

    Double check your code againts mine.... could be just a screwy typo or something

    Some things I will add is: If the system was booted on a different machine the last time you booted you will need to regen the modules cache (dont use the cheatcode) so that hwsetup can process your hardware detection correctly... Also - if you use `pico` or `nano` to edit this file it may cause it to break if not supplied with the command-line option to NOT CONVERT FROM MAC FORMAT. Use kwrite, it had nifty highlighting

    Take care,
    One Mynds Eye

  6. #6
    Junior Member registered user
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    Can't get it to work!

    I can't get your procedure to work with Knoppix 5.1.1 after installing Knoppix 5.1.1 to my hda2 from live CD with the command "sudo knoppix-installer" I did NOT use the command "knoppix tohd=/dev/hda2" at the boot up prompt to install Knoppix 5.1.1 from live CD but, rather, used the command "sudo knoppix-installer" while being completely booted up and within the Knoppix 5.1.1 operating system that is on the Knoppix 5.1.1 live CD only!

    Any further help will be delightful!



  7. #7
    Senior Member registered user
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    Jan 2005

    Re: Can't get it to work!

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Stinky
    I can't get your procedure to work with Knoppix 5.1.1 after installing Knoppix 5.1.1 to my hda2 from live CD with the command "sudo knoppix-installer" I did NOT use the command "knoppix tohd=/dev/hda2" at the boot up prompt to install Knoppix 5.1.1 from live CD but, rather, used the command "sudo knoppix-installer" while being completely booted up and within the Knoppix 5.1.1 operating system that is on the Knoppix 5.1.1 live CD only!

    Any further help will be delightful!



    It does work with Knoppix 5.11, I used the same install procedure as you. Modify knoppix-autoconfig as per Justin's notes.

    In your /boot/grub/menu.lst file dont forget to append

    nomodregen to the end of the line that boots knoppix.

  8. #8
    Junior Member registered user
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    Re: Can't get it to work!

    Quote Originally Posted by hal8000
    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Stinky
    I can't get your procedure to work with Knoppix 5.1.1 after installing Knoppix 5.1.1 to my hda2 from live CD with the command "sudo knoppix-installer" I did NOT use the command "knoppix tohd=/dev/hda2" at the boot up prompt to install Knoppix 5.1.1 from live CD but, rather, used the command "sudo knoppix-installer" while being completely booted up and within the Knoppix 5.1.1 operating system that is on the Knoppix 5.1.1 live CD only!

    Any further help will be delightful!



    It does work with Knoppix 5.11, I used the same install procedure as you. Modify knoppix-autoconfig as per Justin's notes.

    In your /boot/grub/menu.lst file dont forget to append

    nomodregen to the end of the line that boots knoppix.
    I do not know where to (or how to get to) "append 'nomodrgen' to the end of the line that boots knoppix." Give me a clue about what that line looks like? Then, please remind me how to edit that particular line in my "/boot/grub/menu.lst file? I did the procedure exactly as Justin suggested and it doesn't work on my HP SR1103WM computer. I've also done the procedure on three other computers and I have the same probglem with them. Thanks for your I/O in the matter!


  9. #9
    Junior Member registered user
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    Dec 2007

    Got it to work.

    Quote Originally Posted by hal8000
    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Stinky
    I can't get your procedure to work with Knoppix 5.1.1 after installing Knoppix 5.1.1 to my hda2 from live CD with the command "sudo knoppix-installer" I did NOT use the command "knoppix tohd=/dev/hda2" at the boot up prompt to install Knoppix 5.1.1 from live CD but, rather, used the command "sudo knoppix-installer" while being completely booted up and within the Knoppix 5.1.1 operating system that is on the Knoppix 5.1.1 live CD only!

    Any further help will be delightful!



    It does work with Knoppix 5.11, I used the same install procedure as you. Modify knoppix-autoconfig as per Justin's notes.

    In your /boot/grub/menu.lst file dont forget to append

    nomodregen to the end of the line that boots knoppix.
    Here is how I completed the procedure;

    I have Hewlett Packard model number SR1103WM computer.

    I start with an empty hard drive.

    I boot with Knoppix 5.1.1 live CD by pressing the F-1 key when I start my computer. It takes me to the setup
    screen and I change my boot options in there so that my computer will boot from my CD ROM first, instead of
    booting from my hard drive first.

    Then, when I get to the Knoppix boot up screen, I must enter the cheat code "knoppix acpi=off" (without the
    quotation marks) at the Knoppix boot up screen or my computer will not boot otherwise.

    Then, when I see my desktop, I go to the Linux Penguin on the bottom of the page and left click on it.

    Then, I click on the "Root Shell" option.

    Then, I type "passwd" (without the quotation marks).

    Then, I click the "Enter" key on my keyboard.

    Then, I type in whatever password that I want to use and click the "Enter" key on my keyboard.

    Then, I type it in again and click the "Enter" key on my keyboard again.

    Then, I go to my desktop and right click onto the hard drive icon and then left click onto the "Mount"
    option.The hard drive must be mounted before you can install Knoppix onto it. And I had to previously
    do the root password procedure in the Root Shell before I could "Mount" my hard drive.

    So then, back into the Root Shell, I type in "sudo knoppix-installer" (without the quotation marks) and click
    the "Enter" key on my keyboard.

    Then the installation starts.

    Then, I keep clicking the "OK" buttons until the installation asks me which hard
    drive it is that I would like to use to install Knoppix onto.

    Then,I click on the hard drive that I would like to install Knoppix onto and then I click on the
    "Next" button.

    Then, I click on another "OK" button and that starts the "QTParted" program.

    Then, in the "QTParted" dialog box I will maximize the dialog box so that I can see my hard drive. Mine
    happens to be "/dev/hdc"....yours may have a different name on it.

    Then, I left click on the "/dev/hdc" that is located on the left side of that dialog box.

    Then, in the very large dialog box, I right click on the "/dev/hdc1" and chose the "format" option.

    Then, a new box will open and I chose the "ext2" partition type. The default will be "ext3" but I needed to
    change it to "ext2" so that the Knoppix operating system would install on my hard drive without any error
    messages. The "ext3" partition type would not work for me so I used "ext2".

    After the hard drive was programmed to be formatted with the "ext2" partition type, I needed to "unmount"
    my hard drive before closing the "QTParted" software. So I went back to my desktop and right clicked onto
    my "hdc" (or hdc1) icon and then left clicked onto the "Unmount" option.

    Then, I went back into the "QTParted" program and I left clicked the "File" menu, then, left clicked the

    Then the QTParted software began to format my hard drive with the "ext2" partition type.

    When it was through, I closed the QTParted software.

    Then, the knoppix installer continued onto the next screen that stated the following
    message "The installer detected that the installation requirements are not fullfilled yet." (And, there were
    two more paragraphs on this screen that I will not include here, but you will see them when you install
    Knoppix this way.) So I read the messages and clicked the "OK" button.

    Then, the next screen asked me if I wanted to "partition the hard disk" and I left clicked the "OK" button.

    Then, a new window opened and I chose my hard disk again and clicked the "Next" button.

    Then, a new window opened and I chose line # 2 that read "Template 1 1 GB swap, the remaining space for
    root". And then I clicked the "OK" button.

    Then a screen appeared that asked me, "Are you really sure that you want to partition the hard disk?" And I
    clicked the "Yes" button.

    Then, another screen appeared that asked me, "Are you really, really sure that you want to partition the hard
    disk?" And I clicked the "Yes" button.

    After the hard disk is partitioned, another screen will appear and one of the options will be "Start The
    Installation" and I chose to start the installation.

    Next, the installation will start and this will take about 10 minutes or more to complete. You will be asked
    if you want to create a floppy disk to use to boot your computer. I chose "No". It's optional. The computer
    will boot from your hard drive after the installation so you may or may not want to create a floppy disk to
    boot your computer.

    After the installation is complete, you can restart your computer and take the Knoppix live CD out of the CD
    ROM drive. The knoppix operating system will boot from your hard drive now.

    When you see your Knoppix desktop again, go to the Penguin and start a Root Shell again.

    Then, type "passwd" (without the quotation marks).

    Then, click the "Enter" key on your keyboard.

    Then, type in whatever password that you want to use and click the "Enter" key on your keyboard.

    Then, type your password in again and click the "Enter" key on your keyboard.

    Now I type in "cd /etc/init.d" (without the quotation marks) and click the "Enter" key on my keyboard.

    Then, I type in "chmod u+rw,g+rw,o+rw knoppix-autoconfig" (without the quotation marks) and click the "Enter"
    key on my keyboard. This will give me permission to read and write to that "knoppix-autoconfig" file.

    Then, I type in "cd /boot/grub" (without the quotation marks) and click the "Enter"
    key on my keyboard.

    Then I type in "chmod u+rw,g+rw,o+rw menu.lst" (without the quotation marks) and click the "Enter"
    key on my keyboard. This will give me permission to read and write to that "menu.lst" file.

    Then, I type in "chmod u+rw,g+rw,o+rw menu.lst~" (without the quotation marks) and click the "Enter"
    key on my keyboard. This will give me permission to read and write to that "menu.lst~" file.

    Then, I type in "cp /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig.BACKUP" (without the
    quotation marks) and click the "Enter" key on my keyboard. This will BACKUP the "knoppix-autoconfig" file
    that is located in the /etc/init.d directory.

    Then I go to the big blue square that is called the "K Menu" and I click on it and then I choose the "Find
    Files/Folders" option and click on it.

    Then I click on the "Browse..." button.

    Then I click on the "etc" folder.

    Then I scroll down to the "init.d" folder (that is within the "etc" folder) and I click on that "init.d"

    Then I click on the "OK" button.

    Then I type in "knoppix-autoconfig" (without the quotation marks) in the dialog box and click the "Find"
    button. This will tell the "Find Files/Folders" software which file I am searching for and it will find it
    and it will display its file name in the very large dialog box that you will see there.

    Then, in that very large dialog box, I right click on the "knoppix-autoconfig" file and then left click
    on the "Open With" option. Then I left click on the "Editors" option. Then I left click on the "NEdit"
    option. Then I left click on the "OK" button.

    Then I scroll down to the section that is listed in Step 2 of Justin's post and I edit that section exactly
    as suggested by Justin's notes in Step 3.

    Then, I go back to the "Browse..." button and left click on it.

    Then I left click on the "boot" folder.

    Then I scroll down to the "grub" folder (that is within the "boot" folder) and I left click on that "grub"

    Then I left click on the "OK" button.

    Then I type in "menu.lst" (without the quotation marks) in the dialog box and click the "Find"
    button. This will tell the "Find Files/Folders" software which file I am searching for and it will find it
    and it will display its file name in the very large dialog box that you will see there.

    Then, in that very large dialog box, I right click on the "menu.lst" file and then left click
    on the "Open With" option. Then I left click on the "Editors" option. Then I left click on the "NEdit"
    option. Then I left click on the "OK" button.

    Then I scroll down to the line that reads "## ## Start Default Options ##" (without the quotation marks).
    And in that particular section named "Start Default Options" I replace the text that reads
    "# kopt=root=/dev/hdc2 rw ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us
    apm=power-off nomce loglevel=0 quiet acpi=off vga=791" (without the quotation marks) with the following
    "# kopt=root=/dev/hdc2 rw ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us
    apm=power-off nomce loglevel=0 quiet acpi=off vga=791 nomodregen=true" (without the quotation marks).

    Then I scroll down to the section that reads

    "## should update-grub create memtest86 boot option
    ## e.g. memtest86=true
    ## memtest86=false
    # memtest86=true" (without the quotation marks).

    And I add four more additional lines underneath that section so that it looks like this when I'm done
    "## should update-grub create memtest86 boot option
    ## e.g. memtest86=true
    ## memtest86=false
    # memtest86=true

    ## should update-grub create nomodregen boot option
    ## e.g. nomodregen=true
    ## nomodregen=false
    # nomodregen=true" (without the quotation marks)

    Then, I click the "File" menu.
    Then, I click the "Save" option.
    Then, I click the "File" menu again.
    Then, I click the "Exit" option.

    Then I close everything and restart the computer.

    Then, on the blue boot command screen, I arrow down and highlight the 2nd line that has the
    Kernel 2.6.19 and do NOT highlight the 1st line that has the Kernel 2.6.19 Default.

    When I have the 2nd line highlighted, then I click the "e" key on my keyboard to edit the commands
    before the final boot screen initializes.

    Then a new screen will appear and I arrow down and highlight the 2nd command line. When I have the
    2nd command line highlighted, I click on the "e" key on my keyboard again.

    Then, I type in "nomodregen=true" (without the quotation marks) after the command "vga=791" so
    that it reads "vga=791 nomodregen=true" (without the quotation marks)

    Then I click the "Enter" key on my keyboard.

    Then I click the "b" key on my keyboard and the computer will boot entirely without going
    through the lengthy "regeneration of and modules.dependencies" process.

  10. #10
    Junior Member registered user
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    Dec 2007

    This may also help you to shorten the time that it takes...

    Sometimes, it may be necessary to allow this "regeneration of and modules.dependencies" process to take as much time as it needs to complete without our hacking the process at all, except for adding a command named "dma".

    And, if you don't want to go through the complete procedure that is described in my previous post that is dated Sat Dec 29, 2007 3:22 pm, you can type "dma" (without the quotation marks) after the "vga=791" (without the quotation marks) command so that it looks like this "vga=791 dma" (without the quotation marks) and then do not type in the command "nomodregen=true" (without the quotation marks) after the command "vga=791" (without the quotation marks) and this will very significantly shorten the time that it takes for the "regeneration of and modules.dependencies" process to complete.

    This "regeneration of and modules.dependencies" process takes about 15 seconds to complete when I type in the "dma" command as described above, without going through ALL of that long procedure that is described in my previous post that was dated Sat Dec 29, 2007 3:22 pm.

    I did previously load knoppix onto my hard drive after booting up to the KDE desktop while using the Knoppix 5.1.1 live CD by entering the "sudo knoppix-installer" command in the "Shell-Konsole" . Then, after the install was completed, I rebooted, and then, on the blue boot command screen, I arrowed down and highlighted the 2nd line that had the Kernel 2.6.19 and did NOT highlight the 1st line that has the Kernel 2.6.19 Default on it.

    When I have the 2nd line highlighted, then I click the "e" key on my keyboard to edit the commands before the final boot screen initializes.

    Then a new screen will appear and I arrow down and highlight the 2nd command line. When I have the 2nd command line highlighted, I click on the "e" key on my keyboard again.

    Then, I type in "dma" (without the quotation marks) after the command "vga=791" so
    that it reads "vga=791 dma" (without the quotation marks)

    Then I click the "Enter" key on my keyboard.

    Then I click the "b" key on my keyboard and the computer booted up much faster, indeed, without going through the remaining long process that I described in my previous post that was dated Sat Dec 29, 2007 3:22 pm.

    I believe that this will significantly shorten the " and modules.dependencies" process time without taking away any of the benefits that the " and modules dependencies" process provides to our Knoppix 5.1.1 operating system.


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