When setting up a Netgear WGR614 wireless router I
was surprised to discover that apparently it requires
Java-script to be enabled in order for the router to
function. Since every book on security that I've read
without exception identifies java-script as a security
risk and suggest that it be used sparingly if at all I went
searching for a different router.

I searched this forum with respect to routers in general
and in particular (Linksys, Netgear, etc.). I searched the
STD forum. I did a google search.

There was no shortage of information, in fact there is an
overwhelming amount but I haven't found anything that
addresses my concerns. I've read reviews of the WGR614
that don't mention that it requires java-script enabled.
I found out that one of the Linksys routers defaults to
wireless enabled (which seems like poor security practice).

Even if I would spend a couple of months digging through
these various links I have no confidence that the information
I want would be included.

Would someone here who runs with strong security (java
disabled, java-script disabled, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.)
steer me to a few routers (preferably that do not smell like
a chemical factory) that do not require insecure
browser settings in order to function?
