UNfortunately, my computer crashed and I've turned to Knoppix.

I got it up and running okay, but my hard drive (I never partitioned it) never showed up on the desktop. By changing the desktop configurations (show unmounted hard disk drives), I was able to get it there. However, upon right click -> mount, I get an error that tells me to check that my hd's are plugged in correctly (they are, double-checked). Now upon doing mount /dev/hde1, I get can't find dev/hde1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab. I'm at my wit's end here, and I apologize if this problem has come up a lot before (and has been answered), but I'm a Linux noob and find it hard to follow a lot of the jargon in these topics. I don't see how there can be trouble finding my hard drive if it can abviously read that it's there (hence the ocon appearing on the desktop), and the fact that prior to booting up Linux, Windows reads my hard drive as functional. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.