Make a virtual computer using ClusterKnoppix and a bunch of old PCs and borrowed laptops. Use Wine to run Adobe Premiere Pro or Encore DVD to compile big projects because my current computer is too slow and a faster one costs more money than I have. I have been looking all over the internet and asking some Computer Science guys (poor college student) but havn't been getting any real help.
I figure I'd start out with running some programs on Knoppix and then move up to the Cluster part.

My questions so far is
A) How do I get Wine to work? I've tried everything I could find (barely anything all) but nothing works. All I have done is get Notepad using "Wine Notepad.exe" through Run Command.
B) I can't find my harddrive
C) Cluster Knoppix is v3.6 So far I have read that writing to your hard disk wiht this version is bad. I have some old expendable computers that I can play with here so I am open to try anything. I was wondering if I could partition a harddrive to work with Knoppix, run Premiere Pro off my primary one, write to the Knoppix-friendly one and then transfer the finished file over.

This may sound far fetched but I am desperate to try anything. I'll spare you the personal story but I am willing to put in a lot of work to get a faster computer for cheap. If you have any other ideas let me know.