" Trusted HTTP-FUSE KNOPPIX501 " is released. It keeps Trusted Boot with TPM(Trusted Platform Module) and Trusted GRUB.

We developed a trusted network loopback block device "Trusted HTTP-FUSE CLOOP" and integrated it to KNOPPIX. It also includes Trusted GRUB and enables Trusted Boot with TPM1.1. It keeps log of attached devices and accessed block. We can confirm the attestation from the log. The Bootable CD size is only 9MB, because the block device is obtain via Internet using Trusted HTTP-FUSE KNOPPIX.

Fig. Steps of Chain of Trust. The devices and accessed block devices are measured and logged as a SHA1 Digest. The chain of SHA1 Digest is stored to PCR(Platform Configuration Register) of TPM.

ISO file (only 9MB) httpfuse-trusted_20061101.iso (MD5: c98fcc4b77404b69dcc96b71de1d6a3d)

Detail HP: http://unit.aist.go.jp/itri/knoppix/.../index-en.html

"Trusted Boot of HTTP-FUSE KNOPPIX", Kuniyasu Suzaki, Toshiki Yagi, Kengo Iijima(AIST), Megumi Nakamura, Seiji Munetoh (IBM Japan), Linux-Kongress 2006
Paper, Slide