I have an IBM A31P with 1 gig ram. I have knoppix 511 cd and 511 dvd iso on my c:\ drive. I boot up with the parameters

knoppix bootfrom=/dev/hda5/k*.iso desktop=beryl

Everything works fine except my wireless network. I tried all the opstions on the menu. kwlan wants to enable wpa_supplicant for eth0, not for wlan. I tried yes/no for all options. I am never asked to use wpa_supplicant for wlan. When I can select wlan, I get error that wpa_supplicant is not loaded, and I can only connect to unsecured wireless networks. When I try to add wpa_supplicant to eth0, I get error messages that kwlan cannot use iwconfig to configure the network card.

I know that wifi works with knoppix because I used kwifimanager with knoppix 5.0.1. It was a three step process as below, so I would like something better

1. in kwifimanger go to configure and enter my essid and password
2. in kcardconfig (? or something similar) enter essid and password again and enable dhcp
3. in cmd window enable wlan with ifconfig wlan0 up

kwlan seems much better, but I do not know how to set up wpa_supplicant with it. I see messages about editing the file, but how do you edit a knoppix cd. I exect the file is already there, and I am not doing something right.

Thanks for any help that you can provide. I love knoppix, and once this is fixed, then my laptop will default to knoppix instead of xp.

Neeraj Nigam