Have been using Knoppix actively for the last five months. Love it and want to do more with it. But, of course, I have questions.

1) I've been saving my config w/ the std saveconfig script. I've noticed some anomalous behavior. By my reading, it seems that it's supposed to save the entire contents of /home/knoppix. However, as many times as I've done this, it only seems to save the hidden directories. I've been saving my scripts and other files using /home/knoppix/.local and it works, but I understood this directory could also be used to save user-installed (.deb or klik) packages, to extend Knoppix w/o installing it on the hdrive. Is this a bug in the docs, scripts, or whatever ?

2) In the Customizing wiki, there are suggestions for saving multiple configs on a USB thumb drive. Is there a way to save a config and load it from DVD ? That is, create a base config of scripts, etc in /home/knoppix, save it (on a hdrive) using saveconfig, then burn knoppix.sh and configs.tbz to a directory on the DVD ? I doubt it, but what the hell....

I'm leaning twds something like Klik bec I really like the live CD concept, w/ some modest customization and no complete remastering of the system. TIA....Jet