Hi, I am somewhat of a linux newb. I have some command line experience from other platforms. I primarily use Knoppix for data recovery.

Anywho, I have used it in the past, and when the machine was hooked up to the net (gets an IP through DHCP), after boot networking would be enabled, I didn't need to do anything extra.

I had to download the newest distro, but unfortunately the net does not start. Furthermore, I cannot for the life of me get it started!

After starting up the machine, I open a command window.

$ ping X.X.X.1 (another host I know is up)
connect: Network is unreachable
$ ifconfig -a -v
Link encap: Ethernet HWaddr ...
RX packets: 450 errors: 24 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 frame: 0
TX packets: 17 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overrunes: 0 carrier: 0
collisions: 0 txqueuelen: 1000
RX bytes: 44938 (43.8 KiB) TX bytes: 2902 (2.8 KiB)
Interrupt: 17 Base address: 0xd800

$ sudo pump -i eth0 -s
Device eth0
IP: X.X.X.2 (correct IP for this machine)
All info following is correct for the machine...netmask, gateway, DNS servers, etc!

If I use ifconfig and route to manually add the correct IP, netmask, and gateway, then try to ping again I get:

$ ping X.X.X.1
PING X.X.X.1 (X.X.X.1) 56(84) bytes of data
From X.X.X.2 icmp_seq=10 Destination Host Unreachable
15 packets transmitted, 0 received, +3 errors, 100% packet loss, time 14015ms
, pipe 3

Anyway, if anyone can help me out with this I'd appreciate it. I just need to get the network running so I can scp data from the HD. Thanks in advance, and I am happy to provide any additional info needed. I have tried /etc/init.d/networking restart and start, ifup -a, ifconfig eth0 up...none seem to do anything.