have used Knoppix 3.4 approx. three years or more and now tried out Knoppix 5.1.1. No way to install my TV Card. There is an installation script asking me, what type of TV Card (okay) and Tuner (I do not remember having been asked for that one previously, but I took apart my PC, ripped off the foolish Hauppauge Label on the tuner and indeed was able to read the Philips original Label, even though it was ripped off partly in that procedure). Still no way. I de-Installed my Cable TV and installed my former Satellite receiver to be able to eliminate the possibility, that XAWTV is working but does not find the sender (changed input from "television" to "composite-1", which has worked since approx. 2001 or 2003). Still nothing but a black screen in the XAWTV window.

Kubuntu is working and I can see any signal which is fed into the "Video" input by installing with "composite1", as well as I can choose with the mouse lots of Channels in the Cable Feed, if I change to "Television" for Input.

Now why did Knoppix disable XAWTV ?! I can not think of anything more to do and, btw., have lost more working time than it had cost me to buy Vista, just to find out what happened?!