My Windows XP Media Center OS crashed and I get a blue screen with the ereror message: Bug Check 0x7B: INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE. The only way I could get back into the system and try to salvage some of my files is with a Knoppix 5.1.1 DVD. The dvd sets up a Linux OS and I am following a tutorial by Cedric Shock, "Computer First Aid Using Knoppix". I tried copying the files and/or folders to a DVD+RW disc and to a 4GB Cruzer jump drive. Neither operation was successful. I would appreciate any help I can get since I'm new to Linux so I can salvage my files before reinstalling my OS.

I've tried to copy several files and folders each time receiving an error message "Could not write to file/sdb1/file name.extension". I right clicked on the file to be copied and clicked "copy", then clicked on the thumb drive and clicked on "edit" and then on "paste file". That's when the error message came up.

I changed the read/write by unchecking the box. I then started to copy a folder using K3b write and got an error message that some file names need to be shortened due to 64 character restriction of the Joliet extension. I was offered options of Load, Eject, Force and Cancel. I tried to force but that was a dead end. I then tried dragging a folder from the Hard Drive to the DVD+RW and used the command Copy Here. The copying stalled at 38% or 878 of 1349 files due to a "malformed URL". The copy command used up 794 Mb of a possible 2 Gb. I used the autoskip command and the folder was copied to the Knoppix desktop. When I tried dragging the folder to the jump drive (4 Gb capacity) I received an error message "could not make folder/media/sdb1/my documents. I'm about to give up unless I can find a way to copy the folder. I hope someone can help.