Does anyone have a modified linuxrc version that will work on a USB flash?

Please read below:

have no problem booting all the way through on a USB Flash drive using the version 5.1.1 latest version.

For version 3.6 I have an issue it never reads the knoppix image file in time so I end up with file system root not found sending you to a basic shell.

Here is what I see when v5.1.1 boots:

Allowing Slow USB devices some more time to register: Ok
Accessing knoppix cd: Ok
Found Primary knoppix compressed Image at cdrom/knoppix/knoppix.

This is the part that never happens in v3.6.

I read in a thread that you can modify the linuxrc file and increase the delay time known as "sleep" .

Not sure if that is what they were talking about.

What line of script do I need to modify or can I ask exactly what section do I put that script into?

I think I also remember reading right after you see INSMOD section for Firewire and USB.

I saw that section and saw a "sleep" part set at I think it was 2 or 3 seconds.

Will increasing that to like 6-8 seconds make it have more time to see the image on the USB stick Media or not?

Also what section of the linuxrc file gives you this:

Allowing Slow USB devices some more time to register: Ok
Accessing knoppix cd: Ok
Found Primary knoppix compressed Image at cdrom/knoppix/knoppix."

Maybe I can add that script to the linuxrc knoppix version 3.6?

I am desperate for help on this.

Is there something I can add or maybe even borrow the linuxrc file from the minirt.gz file from the version 5.1.1 knoppix and replace it with the 3.6 version linuxrc?

What do I do please? Anyone who is an expert on this would be greatly appreciated.

I already tried the cheat codes like knoppix bootfrom=/dev/sda1

That will never work because its reading the media to quickly and not giving it a chance to read the knoppix image.

Is there a cheatcode not listed that you can send out at the boot prompt to create a delay.

Hope someone can help me on this?

Btw it boots up fine on two desktops but just not on the Dell D820 Latitude which I think is related to the USB speed. I also changed the BIOS to compatibility mode.

Also I think there has to be some other script in there for the USB device? I thin kit one line of script posted here a while back. It would be a lot easier just to get amodified linuxrc file or minirt.gz file to try for version 3.6