Hi guys, I am attempting to recover files from a crashed desktop computer using an external usb hard drive. I have searched the forum for an answer to this question however I have been unable to find a solution.

I have successfully installed and loaded Knoppix v5-1.1.1 Linux operating system through a cd. Upon first installation, I tried out my western digital external hard drive and was able to copy and paste several files to the external drive without difficulty. I then disconnected the usb cable and transferred the files from my external to a separate computer without difficulty. However upon my second attempt to transfer files I received an error message that reads:
"Could not write file...disk is full"
- The odd part is that the disk is not full as there is 72gb free on a 74.5gb capacity external hard drive. When I double click on the hard disk icon (sdc1) representing my external usb drive I have 3.8mb total on the disk, however if I right click on that same drive icon and select properties and then device it says I have 0 bytes out of 74.5gb free (100% used).

In an effort to figure this out, I went out and purchased a different usb external hard drive, a Seagate freeagent Pro 320gb external USB 2.0 hard drive. Using this drive I attempted to simply copy and paste files to the hard disk icon (sdc1) on the desktop. Each time I received an error message stating "could not write...." file to the disk. I then went through the rescue faq portion of this website and right clicked on my new external drive on the desktop in order to change read/ write mode (from read only to write). I then received an error message that stated
"/dev/sdc1 is not mounted. Please mount the partition prior to changing its read/write status"

I then proceeded to mount the device. After doing so I then right clicked on the usb drive icon and attempted to change the read/ write mode again, however received a prompt that stated "Do you really want to change partition /dev/sdc1 (fuseblk) to be writable"...I clicked yes and received another error message stating:
"The remount command failed. Maybe there is another process accessing the filesystem currently."

So here I am, at a standstill in this data recovery process. I have read through many of the postings in this section of the forum and am hopeful that someone may be able to lend some advice and direction as to my next move. Thanks.