I'll start with full revelation; I have no Linux knowledge so it is possible that I am missing the most simple and obvious of steps. Having said that.....I'm trying to install klik while booted from a Knoppix cd. [My larger goal is to be able to run vmware from a bootable cd, if you have a solution to this problem I would love to hear it.]

I have booted off knoppix and entered the command
wget klil.atekon.de/client/install - 0 | bash

It appears that a download of 15397 k occurs but when it tries to run the app it fails. I have the following output to my screen:
--10:28:01-- http://-/
=> 'index.html'
Resolving -... failed: name or service not known.
--10:28:01-- http://0/
=> 'index.html'
Resolving 0...
Connecting to 0||:80... failed: Connection refused.

FINISHED --10:28:01--
Downloaded: 15,397 bytes in 1 files

Am I correct in interpreting that it is trying to reach back to the site and is failing in that connection? Is there something that I should have done prior to that command? Am I missing something? Everything?

Thanks for any help.