Hello all,

I just installed Knoppix on an external Hard Drive using instructions for Thumbdrive Knoppix, and I like the thumbdrive install I have it set up to persistently save my configuration into a config file into another partition on the same drive.

Well, the persistent configuration works beautifully. I can save stuff to home, change my settings (ie: icons) and it will all be exactly as I left it! And after the initial bootup everything loads super fast!

I am a computer technician and often have to use Knoppix to troubleshoot/backup broken windows installations. And have run into a few questions which I would like answered.

1) Why do my old mounts show up on the desktop all the time? (ie: It will show /dev/hda2 and /dev/hda6 -- even on machines where the actual windows installation is located on /dev/hda1 and hda2 and hda6 do not exist). How do I fix this so that the FSTAB is automatically generated when I move to/from different PCs?

2) How do I get Iceweasel to use my QT theme?

3) How do I load my external HD on BIOS which do not support booting from external HD?

Zero Angel