Can anyone get the TFTP sever to work?

Sorry, I posted this in the Networking section but did not get any replies. I'm a little bummed, I had to break down and use some little WIN32 app.

I'm trying to run if from the CD on V3.2-2003-05-20. I'm starting the server with

in.tftpd -l /tmp

seems to start OK. I see an in.tftpd process.

I can connect to the server but if I try to get or put a file I get "Error code 2: Access violation"

/tmp is world readable and I placed a world readable file there.

I have commented out all entries in hosts.allow and hosts.deny.

An namp scan of the server only shows ports 68 (dhcpclient) and 6000 (X11) open. No port 69 as the /etc/services list for tftp.

Is there a log for tftpd that can give me more info?

Anything else I could have missed?

