Hi all,

A few weeks ago, my computer with Windows XP SP2 was reacting very slow. After I switched it off and on, Windows was booting up as normal. However, my backgroud of my desktop was changed to gray and all my shortcuts on the taskbar at the bottom were changed to default Windows icons. As well the icons in the start menu were changed to default Windows icons.

It was not possible to start any program.

Subsequently, I found out that the file size of allmost all programs were set to 0 KB. All the icons off the programs were not set to the default Windows icon and had there orriginal icons.

I had 2 fysical drives connetced to my computer, C:\ for Windows and I:\ for Data.

On both drives the filesize was set to 0 KB except some files in the Windows folder.

So, I lost all my data on both drives. I moved my Data disk to another computer, but all the file sizes are still 0 KB.

It appears to me that this was caused by a virus.

Is there a way or possibility to recover the the files on the disks if I use a KNOPPIX live CD ?

Any help or hints are very welcome.

Thanks in advance,
