Quote Originally Posted by johnrw
What does
sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start
sudo /etc/init.d/vboxnet start
do? If it gives an error, it is not installed anymore. How or why that could happen... who knows. I'll wait for the results.
None of those files exists, either in the "hard disk installation" or from booting from the DVD.
When I do: ls -lsa /etc/init.d/v*

it lists 3 files, none of which are related to virtualbox.

However, I (finally) located the module (vboxdrv.ko), and manually insmod'd it, and now things seem to be working.

(Due to some other things, I didn't actually get as far as successfully booting a guest OS, but I'll test again later on a more stable system, and get back to you [as sister Sarah would say])