I downloaded the image for Knoppix 3.1 the other day, unawares to the existance of 3.2. Downloading 3.2 is too much of a pain to be viable.

When I boot up with knoppix, I enter "knoppix" in the boot prompt. Knoppix loads without errors then displays a GUI message in the top left: "Couldn't start kdeinit. Check your installation."


"Not enough memory to start kde! (At least 82MB required) Using TVM windowmanager instead. Caution: Not all programs in the left-button-menu will work here!"

I'm running a AMD 2200+ with 512 meg of ram.

I think my CD might be corrupt, so I start knoppix with the command "knoppix testcd". It detects no errors. I then try starting with the command "knoppix ram=512M". This has no effect.

Any help would be good.
