I'm trying to boot Knoppix-STD on a toshiba tecra 8100. The disk goes in I restart and it keeps booting to Windows 2000.
Knoppix-STD works fine on the desktop.

Also Knoppix 5.1.1 live cd works on the laptop.

Reason is I'm trying to get chntpw.deb to run and I can't. Knoppix 5.1.1 live cd doesn't have that, since Knoppix-STD won't work I'm trying to use knoppix 5.1.1.

I've mounted both drives and tried to extract the chntpw file from the package on my usb. When I go to run chntpw. it says :bash :chntpw is not a file.
I'm doing something wrong. Can someone please give me some direction. I'm running this all from root@tty1[]#