The hardest part of linux is the install so I figure to put this here in case someone else has such problems or would like a "heads up".

First I have a triple boot OS hard drive... (Windows 98, Windows 2k, Free DOS.)
3 partitions - 2 primary 1 -ext.

About 10 attempts over the pass 4 years to have some Linux as #3 or #4.

Limits to all i386 type machines:
4 partitions maximum.
1 Extended maximum but can be made into multiple "slices"

Limits for Windows without special boot configurations, partition boot sectors moved, etc..
All Win OS's have to be in first 32 MB of hard drive period!!!
No primary partitions after Extended partitions!
(Win XP will appear to allow some of the above but will "puke & die" later. Vista will "puke and die" regardless of what you do.)

Linux considerations:
Linux needs 2 partitions, a boot, a swap (type 82).
Linux with a boot manager (Grub usually), doesn't care if primary or extended partition for BOOT.

------------------------------- HOW TO --------------------------------------
Backup whatever you have or use some utility to clone your present hard drive to another hard drive. (many free "ghost" utils bootable from CD ROM are available on

Enter CMOS and set CD ROM / DVD as first boot device (On real computers "DEL" key on boot, on most junk "F2" key on boot.)
Save & Exit CMOS

Put in Knoppix DVD and boot off DVD into Knoppix
Go to System
Go to Partition Editor (GPARTED)
IT will scan for a while
Pick HDA (or whatever is your Hard drive)

This varies from computer to computer.
You want to RESIZE your largest partition and free up a minimum of 12 GB.
(GPARTED can be used later to resize again should you mess up.)
You may have to move partitions till you get the FREE SPACE at the end.
(THIS IS IMPORTANT if you don't want disaster or headaches.)
Once the FREE SPACE is at the end, you want to create a BOOT partition with all but 2 GB of the free space;
Create a SWAP (type 82) partition. (Format the SWAP as SWAP) No need to format the other partition.

With 99% of all people, the above will work just fine because they have 2 or less partitions.
Now for my mess... I resized the Extended partion, then inside of it, created a BOOT & SWAP.


The rest is go to SHELL and type in knoppix-installer or whatever is the current installing method.