Good Afternoon,

Having become annoyed with the Microsoft Buisness Plan [i.e. Producing a continual stream of Windows operating system, in which the end-user has to keep purchasing, if on-going support is required]. I thought I would give Linux a try. Easy I thought, Look around, find a good distribution, download iso, burn to DVD and install - Easy, well not quite.

Having burned the DVD, I selected install to Hard drive [graphical & text mode]. After about 10 minutes into the installation process the computer just hangs - Blinking cursor and that the lot. When I undertook the installation process in text mode, a line just prior the point on freeze is highlighted in red. Unfortunatly it is not very informative.

* Failed to load necessary Drivers

That all, I do not know what drivers it is attempting to load. I, thinking it was a DVD burn issue

1. Burnt original download iso to DVD a second time - Still failed at the same point
2. Downloaded a new copy of the DVD iso and transferred it to DVD for the 3rd time - Again the installation failed at the same point

I appear to be missing some fundemental understanding of the installation process. Would anyone care to enlighted me ?

Thank you

Kind Regards
