OK. Hope you guys can help.

My goal: install Windows 7 on my desktop computer

Problem: My computer got a virus/trojan, got all messed up and I have been trying to fix it for almost two days now. I downloaded Knoppix 6.0.1 (CD version) to try and copy my important files to another drive on the computer. I guess that was risky? Well, it is done now and I think it worked OK. So now I am just trying to get to the point where I can get my Windows 7 disk to boot and format my c: drive for a fresh install.

Is there a way I can fix my missing NTLDR problem using Knoppix? I also downloaded Knoppix 5.1.1 (CD version). I have a working laptop running Windows 7 and a nebook running Win XP SP3. I just tried to create a bootable floppy to boot into that, but I don't think it supports USB keyboards and I don't have any PS/2 keyboards around, so I can't try to run fdisk.

Hope you guys have some ideas. I am very computer literate, so let me know if you need more info. Thanks for the help.