Hi all.
I've done a bit of remastering in the past with 5.1, but now i'm taking a crack at remastering 6.1. That said, i'm a mediumish linux noob.

I'm working on a basic kiosk system, and I've got the whole thing working, but one of the last things I need to do is disable right click on the mouse. In 5.1 i just rewrote xorg.conf to have a buttonmapping option on all the mice of "1 1 1" so every button was a left click.

No matter what I try, I can't get knoppix to preserve my xorg changes on startup. I imagine there is some hardware detection that is magically generating xorg for me, and in the process nuking my settings.

Can anyone point me to what triggers that process, and how i'd work around it? This hardware is unchanging.. so I only need mouse/display detection once in the initial remastering..
